Press kit


Corporate communications: what the executive should know about it

Corporate communication is the “digital heart” of large companies. Thanks to Office Communicator, international company offices work with comprehensive databases and documents. Instant messages optimize at least three business processes. Read more...

Corporate communications and effective employee information exchange

Corporate web communications is not the only means of employee communications. Corporate communications expedite business and draw associates together. Learn how you can update the corporate portal and optimize your business strategy. Read more...

Use video conferencing for corporate purposes well

Video conferencing opens new opportunities for business. Find out how video conferencing can help you save on business trips and why you can easily contact consultants using video calls! Read more...

Five rules for arranging an online meeting

A competently arranged online meeting provides an opportunity to increase employee efficiency, reach an understanding with partners, and show off in front of the competition. Here are five valuable recommendations for coordinators of online business meetings. Read more...

How to conduct corporate web conferencing

Web conferencing (webinar services) is online training. Using web conferencing a company may conduct employee training. Learn about the benefits of virtual meetings and find out which program lets you use screen sharing. Read more...

Arrange fast file transfer for the entire company

Secure file transfer to colleagues, large file transfer of photographs to friends – these are crucial issues to everyone. Why complicate file transfer and make extra clicks when you can simply transfer them using the CommFort file share program! Read more...


Home network: why you need it and how to use it

Home network is the best way to meet those who live near by. Using instant messenger is an opportunity to simply chat and cheer up. A home network can do miracles! Find out why local chats are still so popular. Read more...

What type of video conference suits You

Did you know that the type of video conference you choose can tell a lot about your personality? Auditory, visual, kinesthetic and digital personalities reveal themselves when visiting unified messaging. Learn to determine the type of personality you are talking to when using collaboration tools! Read more...

Information exchange with friends and colleagues: become an opinion leader

In the 20th century ideas on leadership skills have undergone a change that had a tremendous impact on electronic information exchange. Find out how information exchange takes place in the 21st century, who are opinion leaders, and how you can become one. Read more...

Using Instant Messenger with friends and colleagues: six netiquette rules

Instant messages help to develop communication skills. Take a note of these six simple netiquette rules to win over the people you talk with and choose the right corporate instant messaging program. Read more...